Google Account - Permissions
Open up the schedule page and click Create schedule.
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The schedule page is separated into 4 sections:
  • REPORT - has a drop-down menu allowing you to choose any custom or built-in report.
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  • WHEN - lets you choose the frequency of the schedule
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  • TO - offers two options: email or Google Drive
For EMAIL, it lets you select the format of the report
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For GOOGLE DRIVE, it lets you add the Google account of your choice and select the Google Sheet or Folder.
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When choosing Google Drive, the report is exported as a Google Sheet every time the schedule runs.
Several behaviors are offered:
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  • ADVANCED OPTIONS - This lets you add specific information to your exported report.
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Contact us at hello@betterreports.com if you need to customize the email body, subject, sender name, sender email or the name of the attached report file for a specific schedule.

Schedule Limitations

Better Reports places some limitations on scheduled runs:
  • If a schedule is run manually (run button) then the report will cut off at 1 million rows
  • If a schedule runs once a day or less then the report will cut off at 100,000 rows
  • If a schedule runs more than once a day then the report will cut off at 10,000 rows
Note - Rows are counted as populated cells for matrix reports.
There are also hard limitations specific to Excel and Google Sheets:
  • Excel files have a limit of 1 million rows
  • Google Sheets have a limit of 10 million cells
Should you need reports to run with more rows, we recommend reducing the frequency of your scheduled runs or adding filters to your report. If these limitations don't work for your needs, please reach out to us at hello@betterreports.com to discuss other options!