BRQL (Better Reports Query Language) is a specialized extension of T-SQL designed to create custom fields and measures in Better Reports. It supports data manipulation and analysis for complex reporting needs.
Core Concepts
  1. Table:
  • Represents a logical grouping of fields and measures (e.g., Customers, Products).
  • Identified by a Table name.
  1. Dimensions:
  • Represent individual data points or attributes within a schema.
  • Defined by:
    • BRQL Name: Identifier used in expressions.
    • Type: Data type (e.g., Numeric, Boolean, String).
    • BRQL Expression: The formula used to derive the field value.
    • Kind:
      • Persisted: Derived from stored data.
      • Computed: Calculated dynamically using expressions.
  1. Measures:
  • Aggregate or summary calculations applied to fields.
  • Defined by:
    • BRQL Name: Identifier for referencing the measure.
    • BRQL Expression: Formula defining the calculation.
BRQL Syntax Components
Field Reference
Fields are referenced using the notation:
[$.<FieldName>]: Indicates a direct join to the referenced table. [$<FieldName>]: Represents an open join and is only valid within a subquery.
Understanding the [$] and [$.] Syntax
  1. [$.] (Dot Notation):
  • Represents a join based on the table’s ID key.
  • Automatically aligns with the primary relationship between tables.
Example: Retrieve the Date field (in the table the field is rooted in) or retrieve the Processed At field from the Order table (referenced from a different table).
[$.Date] or [$.Order.ProcessedAt]
  1. [$] (Open Join):
  • Used within subqueries to create custom joins.
  • Requires additional context in the subquery to define the relationship explicitly.
  • Note: Window functions should be chosen when possible over subqueries as these may slow down reports loading.
Example: Shows inventory quantity aggregated to the product type level, created on the Products table. Here, the join is explicitly managed in the subquery logic.
( SELECT SUMZ([v.InventoryQuantity]) FROM [$Variants v] WHERE [$.ProductType] = [v.Product.ProductType] )
BRQL supports all T-SQL formulas and additional syntax for ease of use in Better Reports. Key functions include:
  1. Aggregates:
  • SUM(expression): Sum of values.
  • AVG2(expression): Average of values, including null handling.
  • COUNT(expression): Count of non-null values.
Example: Aggregate total net sales (measure)
  1. Logical Operations:
  • IS_TRUE(expression): Checks if the condition is true.
  • IF(condition, trueValue, falseValue): Conditional evaluation.
Example: Check whether a customer is subscribed to email marketing (dimension).
IS_TRUE([$.EmailMarketingConsent.State] = 'subscribed')
  1. String Manipulation:
  • CONCAT(string1, string2): Combines strings.
  • LEFT(string, length): Extracts the left part of a string.
Example: Create a full name field combining first and last name (dimension).
CONCAT([$.FirstName], ' ', [$.LastName])
  1. Mathematical Operations:
  • Standard operators: +, -, *, /.
  • Round functions: ROUND(expression, decimals).
Example: Calculate average order value (measure)
ROUND([$.TotalSales] / [$.TotalOrders], 2)
  1. Date and Time Functions:
  • DATEDIFF(datepart, startdate, enddate): Difference between dates.
Example: Calculate the number of days between the order being placed and it being fulfilled (dimension).
Built-In Helper Functions in BRQL
The built-in helper functions in BRQL are designed to simplify common patterns and tasks in report creation. These functions provide efficient ways to handle calculations, formatting, and logic, saving time and reducing repetitive code.
List of Helper Functions
  1. Numeric Helper Functions
Ensures that null values are treated as 0 when summing fields, avoiding errors caused by unknown values.
Equivalent to:
ISNULL(SUM(<expression>), 0)
2. String Helper Functions
Helps clean or format strings by keeping or removing specific characters.
KEEPCHARS(<property>, '<characters to keep>') REMOVECHARS(<property>, '<characters to remove>')
Clean_Phone = REMOVECHARS([$.ShippingAddress.Phone], ' ,()-') Example: +1(012)345-678 would become 1012345678 Clean_Phone = KEEPCHARS([$.ShippingAddress.Phone], '0123456789') Example: +1(abc)345-678 would become 1345678
Extracts parts of a string based on a delimiter.
AFTER(<string>, <delimiter>, <occurrence>) BEFORE(<string>, <delimiter>, <occurrence>)
AFTER('Hello_World', '_') -- Returns 'World' AFTER('Hello_World_Again', '_', 1) -- Returns 'Again' BEFORE('Hello_World', '_') -- Returns 'Hello' BEFORE('Hello_World_Again', '_', 1) -- Returns 'Hello_World'
  1. Date and Time Helper Functions
  • NOW(): Returns the current time in the account’s time zone.
  • TODAY(): Returns the current date in the account’s time zone.
  • TIMEZONE(): Returns the account’s time zone.
  • DAY_OF_WEEK: Returns the day of the week as a number (1 for Monday, 7 for Sunday).
  • IS_NTH_DAY_OF_MONTH: Determines if a date is the Nth weekday of a specified month.
  • NUM_DAYS_SINCE_MOST_RECENT_DAY_OF_WEEK: Returns the number of days since the most recent specified day of the week.
  • MOST_RECENT_DAY_OF_WEEK: Retrieves the most recent occurrence of a specific day of the week.
  • MOST_RECENT_TIME_OF_WEEK: Gets the most recent occurrence of a specific day and time of the week.
DAY_OF_WEEK(TODAY()) -- Returns today's day of the week IS_NTH_DAY_OF_MONTH(<date>, <nthOfMonth>, <dayOfWeek>, <monthOfYear>) IsThirdSundayOfFeb = IS_NTH_DAY_OF_MONTH([$.Date], 3, 7, 2) IsSinceMostRecentThursday = IS_TRUE([$.Date] > MOST_RECENT_DAY_OF_WEEK(NOW(), 4)) IsSinceMostRecentThursdayAtNoon = IS_TRUE([$.Date] > MOST_RECENT_TIME_OF_WEEK(NOW(), 4, '12:00'))
Best Practices
  • Use meaningful names for fields and measures to improve report clarity.
  • Avoid nested expressions that may impact performance.
  • Use window functions over subqueries whenever possible.
  • Test complex expressions in smaller parts to verify accuracy.
  • Include notes in your formula for easier reference.
We are always here to help create custom fields or provide guidance on the fields you make yourself. Please reach out to us at hello@betterreports.com for any assistance that you need.